Privacy Policy


From time to time Paradise Point Bowls Club gathers information from customers and other parties with whom the Club deals with for a variety of reasons, including, in particular, to enable the Club to improve the nature of the services it provide.

Paradise Point Bowls Club understands individuals’ concerns regarding confidentiality and takes seriously its obligations in respect of all information it gathers.

Why Paradise Point Bowls Club Collects Personal Information

The information Paradise Point Bowls Club collects in most cases relates to customers/patrons/members but can relate to suppliers and other parties Paradise Point Bowls Club deal with (for the purposes of this Privacy Policy all such people are described as “customers”).

Information is gathered for a range of purposes, including the provision of ongoing customer support and the compiling of customer databases to enable Paradise Point Bowls Club to more accurately market our services.  The type of information we collect includes such things as contact details, buying habits, opinions, product preferences and transactional details.  Paradise Point Bowls Club treats all such information that is collected and identifiable relating to an individual as “personal information”.  It is this information that is described as personal Information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Information

Paradise Point Bowls Club only collects information that it deems necessary.  Where practicable, customers of Paradise Point Bowls Club may deal with Paradise Point Bowls Club on an anonymous basis.  However as a provider of a wide range of services, Paradise Point Bowls Club frequently finds that it is necessary to collect personal information during the course of transactions.

Personal information may be collected about customers via the following means:

Information Given to Customers

When personal information is collected from a customer, they are advised at the time of collection, or as soon as practical after its collection, as to:

Sensitive Information

Paradise Point Bowls Club will not ask a customer for information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, or details of health, disability or sexual activity or orientation, unless:

Customer Consent

Wherever practical, Paradise Point Bowls Club will obtain the express consent of customers to the collection of personal information.

Maintenance and Management of Personal Information

In general, only officers, employees or contractors of Paradise Point Bowls Club may view personal information.  Paradise Point Bowls Club will only grant access to parties other than Paradise Point Bowls Club’s officers, employees and contractors to view personal information where Paradise Point Bowls Club believes that access is necessary to achieve the purpose for which the personal information was collected.


Paradise Point Bowls Club does not use any prohibited identifiers (such as tax file numbers) to identify its customers.

Storage and Security

Personal information may be stored in either hard copy form or on computer or both.  Hard copy personal information is wherever practical, kept under locked security.  Personal information stored on computer is wherever practical, password protected.

Where possible and practical, Paradise Point Bowls Club will endeavour to comply with recognised Australian standards relating to information security.  Paradise Point Bowls Club regularly deletes and de-identifies personal information if the information is no longer needed by Paradise Point Bowls Club.

Updating Personal Information

Paradise Point Bowls Club regularly monitors the quality and accuracy of personal information that it maintains and, where practical, updates that information on a regular basis.  Customers can update their personal information at any time by contacting Paradise Point Bowls Club’s Privacy Officer.


Personal information gathered during competitions run by Paradise Point Bowls Club will be governed by the principles set out in this Privacy Policy unless an express statement is made in relation to privacy in the conditions of the entry for the competition.

Direct Marketing

Personal information collected for direct marketing purposes will only be collected, used or disclosed with the consent of the relevant customer as provided for in this Privacy Policy.  In circumstances where Paradise Point Bowls Club cannot practically obtain the consent of a customer, then Paradise Point Bowls Club may still engage in direct marketing to that customer, but will:

Customers may be taken off any mailing list by contacting Paradise Point Bowls Club’s Privacy Officer.

Collection of Personal Information through Employment Applications

It is made clear to applicants that their resumes are kept on file for a period of three months.  After this time period has elapsed, all resumes are destroyed.  Applicants are welcome to resubmit resumes after the expiry of the three month period.

Access to Personal Information

Customers may access their personal information by contacting Paradise Point Bowls Club’s Privacy Officer.  Access is generally granted within 30 days of that request.  Paradise Point Bowls Club may impose a reasonable charge for access.

Employees are welcome to access their personal information.  Everyone’s personal information shall be treated as private and confidential unless otherwise expressly authorised in writing by that person.  Employees are required to treat all matters pertaining to their employment and other Paradise Point Bowls Club -related matters as private and confidential unless otherwise expressly authorised in writing by the Privacy Officer.

Who to Contact

If you have any queries with respect to this policy please contact Paradise Point Bowls Club’s Privacy Officer.

Further Information

Further information on privacy can be obtained from the Privacy Commissioner at <>.